Water & Air

It is a reverse osmosis plant with direct production, small footprint and high performance.
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It is capable of producing 90 liters of purified water per hour. It is very versatile and can be directly installed either horizontally or vertically.
W 150 mm D 425 mm H: 350 mm Weight: 18Kg
Note: Faucet included

It is an osmotized water dispenser, capable of producing 90 liters/hour of natural water at room temperature in addition to the ability to gas and cooling dispensed at dry counter.
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It has the ability to adjust of carbonation according to one’s taste and the CO2 cylinder can be of variable sizes according to space and consumption. It can be installed under the kitchen sink.
245 mm D. 380 mm H. 410 mm Weight: 28.5Kg
Note: Faucet, 4kg CO2 cylinder and pressure reducer included.

Device for creating ice cubes with a production of about 12kg of every 24 hours, using osmosis water.
Dimensions AxBxC: 320x220x320mm

Device for air purification and removal of particles ultrafines (PM1.0) through an ion generator, which groups the particles to facilitate their filtration, various filters, and an ozone generator, which finalizes the purification.
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The machine is also equipped with a safety radar to stop ozone generation once a person, or animal, is detected in the environment.
Measurements AxB 180x180mm

È un distributore professionale d’acqua, purificata a osmosi inversa, capace di produrre fino a 240 litri/ora di acqua naturale a temperatura ambiente. Dotato di due serbatoi di accumulo da 18 litri ciascuno.
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Questo tipo di apparecchiatura è adatta in caso si necessiti di una grande quantità di acqua, vari punti di erogazione o per il lavaggio delle imbarcazioni, l’acqua osmotica non necessita di asciugatura, non lasciando residui si ottiene il miglior risultato su ogni tipo di superficie.
– Sensori antiallagamento
– Possibilità di collegamento a Idropulitrice
Dimensioni: L 520 mm; P 700 mm; A 520 mm
Peso: 31kg